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Lend Your Skills, Experience, and Time to Help Those in Need

Volunteers for The Advocates & The Attic reflect the fabric of our community; they are all genders, all ethnicities, all socio-economic backgrounds, all ages. Prior experience is not required; the only prerequisites are empathy, an open mind, and a desire for safe, equitable relationships for all.

Ways to Volunteer

Administrative Support 

This work often goes unseen, but is an integral part of running a smooth operation.


Children who have lived in abuse need special attention, and need to have their unique needs treated with compassion.


With community involvement, we can change laws and change the culture of violence.


Education and training is key to empowering people to learn how lead healthy and safe lives. 


Are You Ready to Join the Movement?

Contact for more information.

It is the policy of The Advocates to provide services to all people regardless of race, color, religion, culture, national origin, language, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, pregnancy, veteran status, disability, citizenship or any other status protected by national, federal or state or local law. If you believe that you have been discriminated against because of any of these statuses, you may file a complaint with the Office on Civil Rights. For more information or to file a complaint click here.

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CALL OUR 24-HOUR HELPLINE: 208.788.4191 

Se habla español

Visit us: 211 S River Street, Hailey, Idaho 83333

Office Number: 208-788-4191 

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up-to-date with all of our programs and services,

Our Tax ID is  #94-3162848

© 2022 The Advocates

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