Teens— We're Here
for You!
For the big things, for the small things, and everything in between.
Reach out to The Advocates if you or someone you know:
· has been sexually assaulted or harassed
· has been or is in an abusive relationship
· is experiencing bullying or stalking
· If you are pressured or blackmailed into sexting
We are here to provide private, judgment-free, and friendly support from 9am-9pm Sunday-Friday.
You can also meet with us by walking into our Hailey office. We are happy to meet you where you are and if we can’t help you, we will find someone who will.

Every Teen Counts (ETCs)
Teen Internships
​The ETCs are a group of paid teen interns from across the Wood River Valley. They are healthy relationship peer educators and influencers, who inspire teens to use their voice, stand up, speak out, and create positive cultural change. They do this through, peer-education, awareness campaigns and healthy relationship events. This internship offers local youth opportunities for leadership and real employment experience.

ETC Responsibilities Include:
Developing awarenesss of targeted issues
including videos, Instagram, TikTok, Youtube videos, Snapchat posts, brochures, buttons, stickers, and other marketing materials
Educating students, teachers, parents, and coaches
about engaging in healthy, community building behaviors and activities
Engaging youth in project activities
in and out of school such as presentations, summits, book and movie clubs, booths, etc.
Working with a team
of likeminded peers
approximately 2-3 hours a week, with longer hours some weeks
Email Monica to get involved.

More Opportunities for Teens to Get Involved...
Paid and unpaid internships, volunteer hours, and personal projects are available. Email Monica to learn more.